The Ladies Show Some Love for Rio 2016

by Maura Hutchinson

Olympic fever is starting to heat up the LPGA and LET. With less than six months left until Rio 2016, the best female golfers in the world are taking their season very seriously in the hopes of being able to represent their country for the first time in 112 years!

Current World Number 4, Stacy Lewis summed up why this summer’s Olympic games are so important.  “The biggest thing about the Olympics is the reach that the TV coverage gets,” Lewis said at the U.S. Olympic Committee’s media summit last week.  “We don’t ever get that.  Just to reach all these countries and have kids seeing golf for the first time on TV and thinking maybe I could make the Olympics playing golf.  That’s really what we’re looking for.”

The jammed-packed summer schedule they are facing, four majors plus the Rio games, seems to have done little to dampen their excitement of winning possible gold.

“Everything is just so bunched together,” said World Number 2 Inbee Park. “I’m probably going to miss more tournaments than before, just scheduling out, but it’s a special year, isn’t it?”

“For us it’s just going to be crazy busy.  It’s going to be trying, maintaining an energy level throughout the year while doing all that,” Lewis told’s Steve Eubanks.  But added, “These are great events.  You can’t really complain.”

The top 60 players in the world (according to the Rolex Rankings) will qualify for the games.  Countries with players ranked in the top-15 will have four eligible spots while countries with players outside the top-15 are limited to two players.  The qualification period will end July 11, 2016.

The ladies will play in Brazil August 17-20, 2016, with the format being a 72-hole individual stroke play.  In the event of a tie for first, second or third place, a playoff will be held to determine gold, silver and bronze medals.

England’s Charley Hull is currently ranked number 37 in the world, making her a prime candidate for Team GB!