The Latest Golf Hybrid Sport, FlingGolf is Gaining Speed in the U.S.A

by Maura Hutchinson

FlingGolf, an exciting combination of golf and lacrosse is proving its worth as more people begin taking up the sport in America.

With golf clubs around the globe searching for ways to entice players onto the course, many are turning to golf-hybrid sports to help bring in the masses. Most people have heard of Foot Golf, a merging of football and golf but this latest innovation offers players of all ages a fun alternative to a normal 18 holes with no modifications needed to the course.

The object of the game carries the same principles of a normal golf game. With players counting their “flings” from tee to hole. Flings are made using the specifically designed FlingStick, created by the sport’s founder, Alex Van Alen.

Featuring a handle on one side and a compact basket on the other, the FlingStick is a delicate cross between a lacrosse stick and golf club. Giving FlingGolfers the ultimate tool to play with!

Van Alen’s unique approach to athletics is centred on the belief it should be for everyone regardless of age or ability but most importantly it should be fun.

“While there are many reasons to get kids and athletes out on a golf course, fun is where it starts,” says Van Alen. “It is great for me to see FlingGolf getting people out there. Whether they are 6 or 66, it is a fun, natural way to enjoy a few hours with friends and family, get some good exercise and enjoy some healthy competition.”

Since launching its sales in the summer of 2014, FlingGolf has truly blossomed. Played in over 40 U.S. states as well as provinces in Canada and several European countries, including the Mountain View Golf Course in Kilkenny, Ireland.

Check out the FlingGolf video below to see all the fun!

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