USGA Announces New Rule Changes

by Maura Hutchinson

It’s a decision we’re sure Tiger Woods will be happy about.  On Tuesday the USGA and the R&A announced a number of new rule decisions including Decision 18/4 which states players will no longer be penalised when a ball’s movement could only be detected through the use of enhanced technology.
At this year’s BMW Championship, 37 year-old Woods found himself on the receiving end of such a penalty after a high definition camera crew captured movement as he shifted debris away from his ball.  At the time the Nike player was adamant that the ball had only oscillated but officials viewed the evidence differently, issuing Woods a two-stroke penalty.
USGA Senior Director of Rules of Golf Thomas Pagel said, “The rules of golf are constantly evolving.  “The Decisions review process is an opportunity for the R&A and the USGA to continue to help make the game more understandable and accessible for players, officials and others who participate in the game.”
While the governing bodies insist this new rule was being discussed over the past two years, you can be sure Woods will be pleased with its imminent introduction.

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