Aussie is Fired for Playing 140 Rounds of Golf on Company Time

by Maura Hutchinson

We’ve all been there – stuck at work but really, really wishing we could be out on the golf course. One man from Australia thought he had the perfect alibi for playing hooky and hitting the greens but after two years and allegedly over 140 rounds Tom Colella’s fun came to an abrupt end.

An electrician from Western Australian, Colella was issued a PDA (personal digital assistant) to monitor his whereabouts during the work day but the 60-year-old soon devised a plan to ensure he could sneak in a cheeky 18 holes whenever possible. Using a foil crisp packet, Colella was able to make a “Faraday Cage” for his PDA, blocking electromagnetic fields to hide his location. GENIUS!!!!

Colella’s employers would have been none the wiser except for an anonymous tip to alert them of the golfer’s activities. Colella was fired and although he tried to appeal the sacking, the Fair Work Commission in Australia chose to uphold the decision.

Stating they could “find no plausible explanation why Mr. Colella would create a Faraday cage around his PDA, except to obstruct the GPS collecting capacity of the device.” Adding, “Mr. Colella appears to have been deliberately mischievous in acting in this manner.”

While he may no longer be an electrician, Colella seems to have found another profession that might give him the flexible schedule he’s looking for. With multiple news outlets reporting he is now an Uber driver!